Andy Jr ( presents ...^_^... |
11.06.03 Russian version of Pastux grew into global update with new graphics, rearranged melodies and other stuff. Please wait...
06.06.03 English version of this page is ready. Let's see, what will happen next.
Feel free to drop english messages to FORUM. There are lot's of people, who can understand them.
I officially announce about creation of RUSSIAN VERSION of "Pastushok's Adventures". I'm currently working on it.
This page is dedicated to the game "Pastushok's Adventures" made in RPG Maker 2000 (RM2k). Here you can find all updates and my newest works.
The game is very short (about 20 minutes of gameplay), but I tried to make it good, so it has slight look of a proffesional game. Should it be 2 Mb, and I would surely fail, making a traditional beginner's game: long, but empty. Besides, during half a year revision I have placed in the game a few simple, but still empressive visual effects and even written tutorial about it's creation, but the most part of the text is in russian. Anyway, feel free to look. It's somewhere below.
1) Download "Pastushok's Adventures" (311 Kb, the game is in english).
Look through pastuh_readme.txt (4 Kb, in russian).
In order to play "Pastushok's Adventures", you will need:
* RTP - pack with graphics and sounds for games made in RPG Maker 2000/2003. Try looking it in the net.
* file RPG_RT.exe (283 Kb). It is needed to run all RPG Maker's games. You can download it from here, but if you don't want to catch a virus with *.exe file, create a new project in RM2k and get it from there.
* WinRAR 3.0 and higher.
Download the full version of "Pastushok's Adventures", which requires only WinRAR, but has a bad font (1,4 Mb).
2) View document "Creation of events and special effects in RPG Maker 2000/2003" (49 Kb, in russian).
3) Other materials.
Here you can find graphical files, used in my game and somewhat else.
- File with animation from "Pastushok's Adventures" pa_anim.png (4 Kb).
Here lies the alternative version of "Pastuh's" title screen (by Lexa).
4) Links to russian sites dedicated to RPG Maker. - Don Miguel's site - The Universe of RPG Maker. - Genosh's place. - Rpg2k RusNet.
English version of this page was created 05/06/2003.
Last update 11/06/03.
"Pastushok's Adventures" and other materials on this page are copyright 2003 by Andy Jr.
If you want to place it on your site, please, mail me.
Andrew Jr ( To be continued...